26. Visitors/Observers/Non-Students
State law prohibits non-students from loitering in or around any public school. Only in special circumstances will a student be allowed to have a visitor during the school day. High school students are not to be on the Emporia Middle School grounds between 7: 30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Middle School students are not to be on EHS grounds unless they are involved in activities at the high school immediately before and after school.
Parents, guests, and students arriving after the start of school will need to use the building’s electronic video buzz-in system for entry. To ensure safety and security, all visitors including parents must check in at the office before proceeding to contact any other person in the building or on the grounds. Any person who visits a building and/or grounds of the district will be under the jurisdiction of the building principal, who shall be responsible for developing rules and regulations governing the presence of visitors in the buildings. Local law enforcement may be contacted if any visitor refuses to leave or creates a disturbance. Violation of this rule may lead to removal of the visitor from the building or grounds and denial of further access to the building or grounds.
Observations of Students
To protect the privacy of and confidentiality of all students and to avoid disruptions and distractions in the classroom, observations of students will not be allowed. An exception to this would be to observe an individual student due to a team decision related to an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE). A separate location in the school will be arranged for such observation. These types of observations must be conducted individually with the student and must be arranged with the principal at least five (5) days in advance. Any observer must be approved by, and will be under the jurisdiction of, the principal. The principal reserves the right to ask the observer to leave at any time.