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14. Student Conduct, Disciplinary Referral Guidelines, Student Behavior


All students are expected to comply with the regulations for student conduct or behavior and any violation of these regulations may result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to, the suspension or expulsion of the student. 

The board of education of any school district may suspend or expel, or by regulation authorize any certified employee or committee to suspend or expel, any pupil or student guilty of any of the following: a. Willful violation of any published regulation for student conduct adopted or approved by the board of education, or 

b. conduct which substantially disrupts, impedes or interferes with the operation of any public school, or c. conduct which endangers the safety of others or which substantially impinges upon or invades the rights of others at school, on school property or at a school-supervised activity. 

d. conduct which, if the pupil is an adult, constitutes the commission of a felony or, if the pupil is a juvenile, would constitute the commission of a felony if committed by an adult. 

e. conduct at school, on school property or at a school-supervised activity which, if the pupil is an adult, constitutes the commission of a misdemeanor or, if the pupil is a juvenile, would constitute the commission of a misdemeanor if committed by an adult, or 

f. disobedience of an order of a teacher, peace officer, or school security officer or other school authority, when such disobedience can reasonably be anticipated to result in disorder, disruption or interference with the operation of any public school or substantial and material impingement upon or invasion of the rights of others. (Refer to BOE Policy JCDA) 



Students who are referred to an administrator for disciplinary reasons can expect the following consequences to occur: 

1st referral Friday night school 

2nd referral Two Friday night schools 

3rd referral one day of in-school suspension 

4th referral suspension in or out of school for three days 

5th referral suspension out of school for 5 to 10 days and a recommendation for long-term suspension with a formal due process hearing to be held 

An administrator may make exceptions to these guidelines should there be mitigating circumstances or the student's behavior warrants other consequences. 



The following examples of undesirable conduct may be cause for suspension or expulsion. Those marked with an asterisk (*) may result in an automatic suspension out of school with the possibility of a long term suspension. A student who is suspended in school or out of school for any reason will not be allowed to attend classes during the 

suspension. The student will not be allowed to represent the school in any activity or participate in school functions during the suspension period. The suspension period ends at the start of the next school day following the last day of suspension. The student is not to be on any school property during the suspension, or the student may be subject to further disciplinary action, either by the school or civil authorities. 

In order to be reinstated following a short-term suspension of 3 or more days, the student must return to school with a parent/guardian for a conference with their administrator prior to attending classes. 

A. Student Behavior: (Relationship to teachers and employees) 

1. Failure to comply with a reasonable request (willful disobedience) 

2. Open defiance to a teacher or school employee 

3. * Intimidation, threats or abusive language to a teacher or school employee 

4. Disrespect or slander of a teacher or school employee 

5. * Blatant disrespect for a teacher or school employee 

6. * Assault/battery of a teacher, administrator or other school employee 

7. Verbal/physical sexually oriented harassment or abuse 

8. Verbal/physical harassment or abuse 

9. *Refusal of search requested by an administrator

B. Student Behavior: (Relationship to other students) 

1. * Fighting on or near school grounds 

2. * Fighting at school activities either at home or away 

3. * Recording and/or distribution of a fight at school, near school grounds, or at school activities

4. Throwing of snowballs or other items on or near school grounds 

5. * Intimidation or threats to another student 

6. * Assault/battery on another student 

7. Inappropriate public displays of affection 

8. Verbal/physical sexually oriented harassment or abuse 

9. Verbal/physical harassment or abuse. 

10. “Sexting”- defined as sending, sharing, posting, viewing, or possessing pictures or video, text messages, emails or other material of a sexually explicit nature in electronic or any other form on a cell phone or other electronic device. 

C. Student Behavior: (Relationship to school and society) 

1. Destruction, defacing, vandalism or misuse of school buildings or school/student/employee property 2. Unruly and/or indecent behavior in class, at school activities, in the building or on the school grounds 3. Possession of open containers of food/drink outside the designated lunch areas (food/drink may be confiscated) 

4. Disruptive behavior at school or school activities 

5. * Theft of school property 

6. * Theft of property belonging to other students 

7. * Theft of property belonging to teachers or other school employees 

8. * Possession of stolen property 

9. Use of obscene or foul language, spoken or written 

10. The creation, printing, distribution or possession of threatening, intimidating (including gang-related), obscene or pornographic literature, drawings, papers, etc. 

11. * Possession or use of firecrackers or other pyrotechnics 

12. * Perpetuating a false alarm or other hoax 

13. Filing a false report

14. Inappropriate use of an open flame or flammable materials 

15. Student expression or conduct that materially and substantially disrupts the operations of the school. 

D. Student Behavior: (Use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco products) 

● Any drug or alcohol related offense will result in an out of school suspension and may result in the calling of a formal hearing to determine if there is sufficient evidence to support a long term suspension.

1. * Possession , use, or distribution of alcoholic beverages on school property or near the school grounds

2. * Possession, use, or distribution of alcoholic beverages at school activities both at home and away

3. * Coming to school or school activities having recently consumed an alcoholic beverage or under the influence of alcohol (students suspected of having consumed an alcoholic beverage may be subjected to a preliminary breath test or preliminary clinical and behavioral screening) 

4. * Failure to submit to a preliminary breath test or preliminary clinical and behavioral screening 5. * Use of tobacco products on or near school property or at school activities including electronic cigarettes or vaporizers. 

6. *Possession of tobacco products on or near school property or at school activities including electronic cigarettes or vaporizers. 

7. * Coming to school or school activities under the influence of illegal or misused drugs or misused substances (students suspected of being under the influence of illegal drugs or misused substances may be subjected to a preliminary clinical and behavioral screening test) 

8. * Possession, distribution, sale, misuse, possession with intent to distribute or manufacture of illegal drugs, simulated drugs, alcohol, drug related paraphernalia or misuse of legal drugs at school, at school activities, or on school property. 

9. * Intentionally inhaling hazardous products at school or school activities (students suspected of being under the influence of illegal drugs or misused substances may be subjected to a preliminary clinical and behavioral screening test) 

*E. Weapons (Refer to BOE Policy JCDBB) 

A student shall not possess, handle or transmit any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon or facsimile of a weapon on the school grounds or off the school grounds at a school activity, function, or event. Possession, handling, or use of any weapon or facsimile of a weapon may result in suspension or expulsion from school at the discretion of the superintendent or designee. Possession of a firearm shall result in expulsion from school for a period of 186 school days. 

1. The term "firearm" means any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive, the frame or receiver of any such weapon, or any firearm muffler or silencer, or any destructive device. 

2. The term "destructive device" means any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas; bomb, grenade, rocket, missile, mine, or other device similar to any of these devices. 

F. Tobacco and Nicotine Delivery Devices (Refer to BOE Policy JCDAA, KMA and GAOC)

Use and/or possession of any tobacco product or nicotine delivery device by students is prohibited in any district facility; in school vehicles; at school-sponsored, activities, programs, or events; and on school owned or operated property. Student violations may result in parent/guardian notification, participation in tobacco education program, suspension and/or expulsion from school and/or extracurricular activities, community service, and/or notification of law enforcement. The use of tobacco products by parents, contractors, volunteers, and all other visitors is prohibited at all times in any district facility; in school owned or operated property. 

The following definitions apply to this policy: 

“Electronic nicotine delivery system or “ENDS” means any device that delivers a vaportized solution (including nicotine, THC or any other substance) by means of cartridges or other chemical delivery systems. Such definition shall include, but may not be limited to, any electronic cigarette, cigar, cigarillo, pipe, or personal vaporizer. "Tobacco product" means any product that is made from or derived from tobacco, or that contains nicotine, that is intended for human consumption or is likely to be consumed, whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled or ingested by any other means, including, but not limited to, a cigarette, a cigar, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus. "Tobacco product" also means any component or accessory used in the consumption of a tobacco product, such as filters, rolling papers, pipes, and substances used in electronic cigarettes, whether or not they contain nicotine. “Promotion” includes, but is not limited to, product advertising via branded gear, bags, clothing, any personal articles, signs, structures, vehicles, flyers or any other materials. 

G. Interrogation and Investigations (Refer to BOE Policy JCAC) 

Building administrators, school security officers, and/or others designated by the superintendent may conduct investigations and question students about violation of school rules, the student conduct code, and/or law. Unless otherwise provided herein, such investigators shall not be required to contact the student’s parent, guardian, or representative prior to questioning and may request law enforcement, school resource officer(s), and/or school security officer(s) for assistance in conducting the investigations. 

H. Searches of Students (Refer to BOE Policy JCAB and JCABB) 

Authorized staff may search students’ property, including but not limited to: clothing, belongings, desks, and/or lockers if there is reasonable suspicion that district policies, rules or directives are being violated. 

I. Electronic Devices 

Electronic devices may be used before/after school, during passing periods and/or lunch. Examples of electronic devices include, but are not limited to: tape recorders, radios, stereos, camcorders, pagers, CD/MP3 players, cellular phones, tablets, smart watches, or wireless headphones.. Students may use cell phones and/or headphones in classrooms for educational purposes with teacher or administrator approval. Cell phones should be silenced and stored in student backpacks during each class period. Violations will result in confiscation and/or disciplinary action. 

1st violation: Device is turned in to the teacher, student picks it up at the end of the class. (Parent notified)

2nd violation: Device is turned into the office, student may pick up device at the end of the school day. (Parent notified)

3rd & subsequent violations: Device is turned in to the office, it may be picked up after school. Student must surrender phone at start of next school day. (Parent notified) 

Cameras may be used at school, on school property or at school activities or functions ONLY if they are not disruptive as determined by school staff. Cameras shall not be used in the classroom unless the photographs, audio or videos taken are for an official or authorized school purpose. Cameras shall not be used in such a fashion as to inappropriately invade the privacy of others. No camera shall be used in any restroom, dressing area or locker room. Cameras shall not be used, without permission, to record confidential material, such as classroom material, tests or grade book entries. 

For the purposes of this section, "camera" shall be defined as any device capable of taking, storing, transmitting, or viewing pictures, audio recordings and/or video. This includes cell phones and any other electronic devices with a camera feature. 

J. ID Cards 

Students will be issued ID’s. ID’s from previous years are not valid. ID’s must not have any defacement, mutilation and excessive wear will be grounds for replacement at the administrator’s discretion and at the student’s expense. Defacement shall include writing, stickers, carving, cutting, erasing or any other alterations. Valid ID’s will admit the student to most school-sponsored activities and are required at all dances. Replacement cost is $3.00.