Employment & KSHSAA Rules
Rule 10 Unsupervised Coaches
The Emporia Board of Education may hire individuals to serve as Rule 10 coaches whenever a
member of the teaching faculty is not available to serve in the coaching position.
Rule 10 Unsupervised Coaches
1. Must have a current Kansas teaching license or documentation of having completed the
Coaching Principles course through the American Sport Education Program (ASEP) on
file at the Emporia Board of Education office.
2. If the candidate does not have a current Kansas teaching license, he/she may apply for a
substitute or emergency substitute teaching license. A minimum of 60 college credit
hours is required to obtain the emergency substitute teaching license. Contact the district
office at 341-2200 for an application. Candidates should apply for a teaching certificate
at least six weeks prior to the beginning of the season, as the fingerprint process required
by the Kansas State Department of Education takes approximately four to six weeks to
process. The initial emergency substitute license is valid for the current school year and
expires on June 30. If the emergency license is renewed, it will be valid for two school
years. Fingerprinting is required for all expired licenses.
3. All new hires must be approved for employment by the Emporia Board of Education at a
regularly scheduled meeting. The athletic director should contact the Human Resources
office at 341-2222 regarding the process to recommend the new coach for employment.
The board must approve the coach for hire prior to the beginning of his/her work.
4. After required paperwork is completed, a mutual consent contract will be issued.
5. Rule 10 Unsupervised Coaches are hired as certified staff and do not need to complete
FLS forms.
6. Rule 10 coaches must be paid and cannot be volunteers. Only certified faculty members
may volunteer their time for coaching.
- Rule 10 Coaches' Information