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Dual Sport Participation Policy

(high school policy only). The purpose of the dual sport agreement is to allow the student athlete the opportunity to compete in two sports during the same season.

a. A student may participate in no more than two sports per season.

b. The student must meet with the athletic director prior to talking to coaches of the
respective sports.

c. The student must receive written approval from the head coach of both sports.
Without the approval of both coaches, a student must choose one of the sports
within which to compete.

d. The student must designate a primary sport prior to final written approval for dual
participation being granted by the athletic director. When the two schedules
conflict, competition in the primary sport will take precedence over competition
in the secondary sport. When practice schedules conflict, practice for the primary sport will take precedence. Competition of either sport will take precedence over
practice of the other. Exceptions must be agreed upon by the two head coaches
prior to the start of the season.

e. Student must maintain a current GPA of 2.0 with no D’s. Any GPA below 2.0 or
grade below C will exclude the student from participation in the secondary sport
until grades are above a D average. The student may have no more than five
absences the quarter prior to the season of dual participation.

  • Athlete Information